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1.Business Detail

EcoCircuityRevive encourages electronic waste management transparency and sustainability. The company intends business lead to the industry and demonstrate how technology innovation can benefit the environment. In this age of rapid digital technological advancements, electronic waste is a global problem. Global concerns about technological waste are growing. Only 17.4% of the 53.6 million metric tonnes of electronic waste created in 2019 was recycled, according to the UNU Global E- waste Monitor 2020. The research predicts 74 million metric tonnes of electronic waste by 2030 (Rajesh, Kanakadhurga and Prabaharan, 2022). These data demonstrate how severe electronic waste is and how rapidly new solutions are needed. EcoCircuityRevive aims to recycle electronic waste into valuable resources using cutting-edge technology. The main goal is to maximise resource recovery and reduce waste to meet the needs of eco-conscious consumers. Rindone and MacSweeney (2021) revealed that 72% of British consumers prefer eco-friendly products. This discovery emphasises the need for a game-changing electronic waste solution. The company’s USP is verified data erasure, innovative recycling, and circular economy integration. EcoCircuityRevive prioritises ethics, community involvement, and environmental advocacy alongside science.

EcoCircuityRevive uses a comprehensive future-focused revenue approach to accomplish short- term commercial success and long-term environmental goals. By charging for electronic waste recycling, the company can profit and dispose of it ethically. Refurbished electronics will also diversify revenue streams (Ilyassova et al., 2020). EcoCircuityRevive aspires to become financially secure and promote responsible electronic waste management by pursuing an integrated and multi-pronged approach. EcoCircuityRevive promotes sustainability by recycling, using ethically sourced products, and connecting with the community. EcoCircuityRevive symbolises ecological accountability and promotes a sustainable, peaceful future by ensuring these components are compatible. EcoCircuityRevive is more than recycling extinct gadgets because it promotes a sustainable future. EcoCircuityRevive is an optimistic company that solves a pressing issue using ethical and environmentally beneficial approaches.

2.Macro-Environmental Overview

The “macroenvironment” refers to all external elements that potentially affect a business’s growth and function. Environmental, financial, social, political, and technological issues are involved. EcoCircuity’s current and future macroenvironments assumptionsRevive’s business concept serves the idea.

Figure 1: An Extensive Worldwide Research. Source: (MAXIMIZE MARKET RESEARCH, 2022.) Global economic growth will continue but be slower while some regions gain and others struggle. Technological growth will create new chances for creativity and environmental responsibility, affecting the daily lives and jobs. Sustainable practices and environmental protection will remain top environmental priorities (Thakur and Kumar, 2021). Regulatory authorities and governments will likely enforce environmental norms and support sustainable practices. Electronic waste management will become increasingly important as the world becomes more digital and ecologically conscious.

2.1   Planning and Strategic Decisions

First, EcoCircuityRevive must evaluate the following to make effective planning and strategy decisions: The economic forecast and prognosis must be examined to identify growth possibilities and challenges. Keep up with electronic waste management technology and developments. Maintaining compliance and adjusting to new needs requires monitoring environmental laws and regulations. Discover the dynamic electronic waste management market and find colleagues. Communication strategies and messages must consider cultural and sociological elements influencing public opinion on sustainability and electronic waste management.

2.2  Assumptions for Business Needs

EcoCircuity-relevant projections. Revive should examine these issues by assuming the economy grows and enterprises can market electronic waste management systems in multiple places. Technological insight and planning to capitalise on it will help electronic waste management. Watch for modifications or enforcement of electronic waste sustainability and management legislation. Understanding public mood and purchasing behaviours around sustainability and e- waste management can inform advertising and PR strategies (Jafari, Shokouhyar and Shokoohyar, 2022). The demand for electronic waste management systems should be considered in light of environmental rules and efforts.

EcoCircuityRevive can improve strategy and decision-making by considering these macroenvironmental elements. The company can maintain its e-waste management leadership while supporting sustainability and environmental protection.

3.Market & Industry Analysis

3.1  Target Market

First, examining the Market and Domain Interest Market Ecology in a CircleRevive targets electronic waste-generating businesses and groups. This includes hospitals, schools, government bodies, and IT firms. Targeting these businesse is reasonable since they generate a lot of electronic waste and must comply with environmental disposal requirements. Companies seek strategies to address electronic waste as sustainability and environmental responsibility become more critical.

  • Target market traits and needs include:
  • Safely and ethically handling private data
  • Following environmental regulations for electronic waste disposal
  • cost-effective electronic waste disposal solutions
  • eco-friendly and socially responsible

3.2  Market Size and Potential

Experts expect the global electronic waste management market to reach $40.14 billion by 2028, increasing by 7.3%. Due to China’s sizeable electronic waste production, the region will likely dominate the market (Grand View Research, 2021). Environmental awareness and growing digital use drive sustainable electronic waste management demand.

3.3  Analysis of the Market

Only a few significant companies dominate the highly regulated and competitive electronic waste management sector. Its importance in the industry is:

  • Environmentally friendly electronic waste disposal laws.
  • Developing technology to handle electronic trash
  • The growing need for eco-friendly methods
  • Market competition and consolidation are

EcoCircuityRevive offers adapted and economical electronic waste management solutions to stand out from competitors by emphasising environmental responsibility and sustainability. Using its

electronic waste management expertise and working with other professionals, the company will deliver innovative and practical solutions to the target market.

The electronic waste management sector offers EcoCircuityRevive significant potential. Electronic waste is expanding worldwide, and the demand for sustainable and ecologically responsible operations is rising.

4.Competitor Analysis

A Review of Rivals Ecology in a CircleRevive competes in the UK’s challenging electronic waste management sector, controlled by a few prominent players. This analysis examines the main UK market competitors, directly and indirectly.

4.1  Direct Market Competitors

Recognised as an industry leader in environmental services, Veolia controls the collection, recycling, and disposal of electronic waste. A significant proportion of the UK market belongs to Veolia, a company well-known for its knowledge and innovation. Sims Recycling Solutions collects, repairs, and recycles electronic waste, making them the leading provider of this service in the UK. The worldwide leader in environmental services, SUEZ, not only offers management services but also handles the disposal of electronic trash. In the United Kingdom, SUEZ was an inventor in product innovation.

4.2 Indirect Competitors 

The indirect competitors of UK-based IT Asset Partners manage IT assets and dispose of electronic trash. In addition to data erasure, the company refurbishes and recycles old products. IT Asset Partners is known for its excellent customer service and environmental passion. ShP Limited is also a UK IT asset management and electronic waste disposal company. In addition to data erasure, the company refurbishes and recycles old products. ShP Limited’s innovative ideas and environmental commitment have made it famous.

4.3  Competition in the Landscape

Small businesses dominate the UK electronic waste management industry, making competition fierce. However, more small enterprises offer electronic trash removal and IT asset maintenance services. Many characteristics distinguish EcoCircuityRevive from its competitors:

  • From customised, affordable electronic trash management solutions for the target audience to
  • Developing innovative, cost-effective solutions requires collaboration with industry
  • A dedication to environmental protection and

Electronic waste from computers, phones, and other devices nearly doubled in the UK between 2008 and 2022. UK electronic waste will reach 55,000 metric tonnes by 2030 at current manufacturing rates. The UK recycled 479,000 tonnes of electronic waste in 2019, a 38.1% rate (Dennis, 2023). EcoCircuityRevive can expand if it can differentiate itself from the competition and offer its target market sustainable, high-quality electronic waste management solutions.

5.Marketing & Pricing Strategy

Pricing and Marketing Plan for EcoCircuityRevive will promote its unique selling points in the electronic waste management market: It differentiates itself from larger competitors by offering bespoke electronic waste management solutions to its target market. Due to its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, the company leads its industry in environmental responsibility. Budget-conscious clients prefer restoring because it offers affordable, customised solutions for handling electronic garbage.

Figure 3: Methods for handling electronic trash that adhere to the principles of circular economy. Source: (Soudabeh Pouyamanesh et al., 2023)

5.1   Contacting and engaging that market

Ecological CircleRevive will use multiple marketing strategies to engage its target audience:

i.   Web promotion

Social media marketing, content promotion, and targeted internet advertising to create and maintain an online presence to attract customers.

ii. Trade Events

Companies can promote their unique selling point and network with potential clients by attending or sponsoring industry events and trade exhibitions.

iii.   Leadership

White papers, blog posts, and other thought leadership content can establish the company as an electronic waste management expert and attract consumers seeking advice.

5.2Approaching Pricing

EcoCircuityRevive will set prices after evaluating their ideal customers, the market, and competitors. The company will consider many factors:

Affordable Prices compares its e-waste management solutions to its UK competitors’ pricing strategies. Cheaper options and reconditioned items make the service more affordable for more customers. Sustainability considers how pricing methods affect the environment to maintain the business model competitive and promote eco-friendly activities.

EcoCircuityRevive will increase its position in the e-waste management market, attract its target clients, and provide a valuable assignment service that helps build a greener tomorrow using these pricing and marketing techniques.

6.Operational Plan

There is need to analyse the following essential components to ensure EcoCircuityRevive’s UK operational success. The company plans to build a central processing plant in major cities to collect and treat electronic waste efficiently. The facility would be near transport linkages to reduce emissions and speed up electronic trash removal. Partnering with local collection stations, businesses, and organisations will assist EcoCircuityRevive in speeding up collection and optimising electronic waste flow to the central processing plant. The organisation will stay local to make electronic waste collection and disposal easy. Implementing all electronic waste disposal laws is the company’s top priority. Licences and certifications are needed to manage the central processing plant. The operating plan will prioritise waste management compliance and environmental protection. Since the UK’s IT and telecoms sectors collect more electronic trash quarterly, services for treating it are in demand.

E-waste management services are in demand in the UK, allowing EcoCircuityRevive to improve its operational plan. Meanwhile, the company will follow regulations and protect the environment.

7. SWOT Analysis

8 Financial Requirements

8.1   Needs for Funding

EcoCircuityRevive must first build and maintain its electronic waste management services, which is costly. Business capital requirements.

8.2Profiting from Sales

Electronic trash collection, transportation, processing, and disposal will be included in EcoCircuityRevive’s sales cost. The company will continuously monitor and reduce these expenses to keep costs low and earnings high.

8.3 Selling Prices

EcoCircuity-market research integrationDirect sales costs from Revive will influence the cost of electronic waste management services. Long-term success requires a corporation to maintain competitive prices without sacrificing profits.

8.4   Initial Launch Costs

This component covers data centre costs, machinery, and electronic waste technologies. Second, transportation costs include buying and maintaining vehicles to carry electronic trash. The fee is required to obtain electronic waste handling licences and certifications and comply with all rules. According to Allied Market Research, the global e-waste management market was expected to rise 15.7% from $57.8 billion in 2022 to $244.6 billion in 2032. Sales of UK-made electronics are directly related to government electronics recycling targets (Allied Market Research, 2027.). These trends indicate a growing need for UK electronic waste management services, which bodes well for EcoCircuityRevive’s market dominance goals.

EcoCircuityRevive can achieve its financial viability and sustainability goals by precisely predicting its cost of sales, employing competitive pricing methods, and extensively reviewing starting-up costs.


EcoCircuityRevive has an excellent opportunity to dominate the UK electronic waste management sector. The increased collection of e-waste from IT and telecoms in the UK reveals a growing need for e-waste management services, allowing the company to satisfy market expectations and contribute to a more sustainable future. EcoCircuityRevive may ensure financial viability by precisely estimating its financial requirements such as initial investment and sales expenses—and setting a competitive selling price. Sustainability, tailored solutions, and inexpensive options will help the organisation become an eco-friendly electronic waste management leader.


Allied Market Research. (n.d.). E-waste Management Market is Projected to Hit $102.62 Billion by 2027. [online] market.

Dennis, P. (2023). UK generated 2nd largest amount of e-waste as a country in 2022. [online] Circular Online. amount-of-e-waste-as-a-country-in-2022/.

Ilyassova, G., Nukusheva, A., Arenova, L., Karzhassova, G. and Akimzhanova, M. (2020). Prospects of legal regulation in the field of electronic waste management in the context of a circular economy. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics. doi:

Jafari, S.Q., Shokouhyar, S. and Shokoohyar, S. (2022). Producer-consumer sustainability continuum: Mutual understanding to implement extended producer responsibility. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.133880. doi:

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137.60 Billion USD by 2029 – A Complete Global Analysis. [online] Available at: Rajesh, R., Kanakadhurga, D. and Prabaharan, N. (2022). Electronic Waste: A critical assessment on the unimaginable growing pollutant, legislations and environmental impacts. Environmental Challenges, 7, p.100507. doi:

Soudabeh Pouyamanesh, Elaheh Kowsari, Ramakrishna, S. and Amutha Chinnappan (2023). A review of various strategies in e-waste management in line with circular economics. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(41), pp.93462–93490. doi:

Thakur, P. and Kumar, S. (2021). Evaluation of e-waste status, management strategies, and legislations. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. doi:

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